COVID-19 COMPARISON OF WAGE SUBSIDIES AND 75% | Chartered Accounting Firm Markham

COVID-19 COMPARISON OF WAGE SUBSIDIES AND 75% | Chartered Accounting Firm Markham

All details below subject to interpretation and forthcoming legislation and details below WILL change as more information come available.

1 10% announced March 2020

Legislation passed

75% announced April 2020

No legislation yet – only outline

2 How much – 10% wages paid between March 18 and June 19


– per employee $1,375 during entire 3 months – per entity $25000 during the entire 3 months

How much –


–  per employee maximum $847 per week for period March 15 to June 6 2020

– per entity no limits

3 Specific periods for claiming:

– reduce any payroll remittances post

March 18, 2020

 Specific periods   for reporting/claiming:

Claiming period

Period I March 5-April 11

Period 2 April 12-May 9

Period 3 May 10-June 6

Reference period for eligibility

March 2020 over March 2019

April 2020 over April 2019

May 2020 over May 2019

4 Eligibility:

-Canadian controlled private corporations (“CCPC”) that has more than $0 small business limit in it’s last taxation year i.e. actually claimed more than $0 small business deduction

-An individual other than a trust

-A partnership, all members of which are CCPC’s, individuals or registered charities – -A non-profit entity

-A registered charity


–  Taxable corporations

–  Individuals

–  Partnerships

–  A non-profit entity

–  A registered charity

5 – No % revenue decline required – Revenue declined by at least 30% compared with same month in prior year; Revenue must be from business carried on in Canada
6 – No arms-length requirement for revenue – Revenue must be from arms-length sources and not from “related” persons
7 Eligible 10% amount is claimed by reducing remittance of income taxes but not CPP/EI portion of remittance Eligible 75% amount is claimed through CRA website likely starting in 6 weeks. Monthly claims required
8 No details Eligible 75% amount is reduced by any 10% credits claimed


9 Each eligible company in an associated group can claim up to $25,000 Each eligible company in an associated group has no limit
10 The amounts received are taxable The amounts received are taxable
11 Associated groups with taxable capital in excess of $15m will not be eligible Associated groups – no limits
12 Must have had a CRA payroll number as of March 18 2020 Unknown
13 If the income tax remittance is insufficient to utilize the calculated subsidy, the unused subsidy will reduce payroll income tax remittances after June 20, 2020 Claims will be made online through CRA portal and no offset available against payroll remittances
General guidance
Companies with revenue from non-arms length parties will not be eligible for 75% subsidy – no details on what % will disqualify. What about an integrated group of companies-

e.g. one manufactures, one sells etc.

Claim 10% as soon as possible. If 75% then available the latter will be reduced by the initial 10% claim
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